TAEDSB ramping up efforts to clean monsoon swept debris

KOTA KINABALU: Tanjung Aru Eco Development Sdn Bhd (TAEDSB), a government-owned company, is ramping up its efforts to clean the beaches, especially during the monsoon season.

Datuk Jake Jikulin Nointin, the general manager of TAEDSB, highlighted that the monsoon season, which typically runs from April to May each year, brings in a significant amount of floating rubbish from the city due to stronger waves and high tides.

Despite the challenges posed by the monsoon season, Nointin emphasized that TAEDSB has been consistently working to maintain the cleanliness of the beach throughout the year. He acknowledged that the season makes the task more demanding for their manpower but affirmed their commitment to fulfill their responsibility without excuses.

To enhance their beach cleaning efforts, TAEDSB has acquired a backhoe sand rake to streamline the process of collecting rubbish and wooden splinters. The backhoe sand rake will be operational from 9 am every morning to ensure that the beach is clean and safe for public enjoyment in the afternoon and evening.

Nointin emphasized that TAEDSB will continue to utilize the backhoe sand rake service for as long as necessary. He stressed that cleanliness is a collective responsibility, not just of the authorities, and urged people to be more responsible in disposing of their rubbish to mitigate the problem of marine debris washing up on the beach.

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