97 tons of trash cleared from Gaya and Sepanggar islands

To showcase the amount of rubbish collected from two islands in Kota Kinabalu

A total of 97 tons of trash have been successfully cleared through the “KK Cleanup Day 2.0: Gaya Island and Sepanggar Island” program organized by the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK), which took place over three days, from May 6th to May 8th, 2024.

On the first day of the program, 32 tons of trash were cleared, followed by 24 tons on the second day and 41 tons on the third day. This adds up to a total of 97 tons of trash cleared over the three days, exceeding the expectations and targets set by DBKK.

The main objective of organizing the “KK Cleanup Day 2.0: Gaya Island and Sepanggar Island” program is to create social awareness among residents and business owners to take more serious responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness of Kota Kinabalu City’s environment.

Through this program, DBKK is delighted to receive the cooperation and positive involvement from the residents of Kampung Lok Urai, Kampung Kasuapan, Kampung Lobong, Kampung Pulau Gaya Asli, and Kampung Torong Logong on Gaya Island, as well as Kampung Pulau Sepanggar on Sepanggar Island.

In light of the success of this program, it is evident how collective efforts can make a significant impact. It also demonstrates the commitment and resilience of the village residents in maintaining cleanliness.

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